JCI Hong Kong
Junior Chamber International Hong Kong, JCIHK (formerly named as “Hong Kong Junior Chamber”), inaugurated in 1950, is affiliated with the worldwide leadership development organization – The Junior Chamber International (JCI). JCI has a worldwide membership of over 200,000 and more than 100 countries around the world.
In Hong Kong, we have about 2,000 members representing a network of highly motivated and forward looking young men and women who are mostly entrepreneurs or executives from a wide range of trades and businesses. The active members are between the ages of 18-40 from 21 local chapters, who make full use of their leisure hours to work for the betterment of the community and themselves.
The purpose of Junior Chamber is to provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.

National President Senator Karen Yeung with All Chapter Presidents 2022
Third Row (left to right): Emma Yu (JCI Lantau), Tracy Wong (JCI City Lady), Nero Chung (JCI Sha Tin), Kelvin Chan (JCI North District), Jesty Cheung (JCI Queensway), Michael Leung (JCI Ocean), Carol Wong (JCI Apex), Kam Man Fung (JCI Tsuen Wan)
Second Row (left to right): Christine Ho (JCI East Kowloon), Kat Chen (JCI Bauhinia), Simona Lam (JCI Yuen Long), Dorothy Chan (JCI Harbour), Janice Ho (JCI Tai Ping Shan), Sam Cheung (JCI Dragon), Mic Hon (JCI City)
Front Row (left to right): Jean Yip (JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes), Christopher Lam (JCI Island), Manson Chan (JCI Victoria), National President Senator Karen Yeung, Haley Wong (JCI Kowloon), Howard Sze (JCI Peninsula), Lawrence Mang (JCI Lion Rock)
JCIHK Organization Structure 2022

Junior Chamber International JCI
JCI is a nonprofit organization of young active citizens age 18 to 40 who are engaged and committed to creating impact in their communities. Active citizens are individuals invested in the future of our world. JCI gathers active citizens from all sectors of society.
We develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to make informed decisions and take action. As globally minded young people, we all have rights, responsibilities and share goals. We find targeted solutions to local issues benefitting our communities, our world and our future. Embracing new ideas, collaboration and diversity, we have the passion and courage to address the critical challenges of our time.